Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Concept of Education According Imam Zarkasyi

2.1 Imam Zarkasyi’s Biography

K.H.Imam Zarkasyi was born in Gontor, Ponorogo, East Java, March 21, 1910, and was die March 30, 1985. His father’s name is Santausa Annam Bashari come from elite java family and includes third generation from the leader of Gontor and fifth generation from Prince Hadiraja Adipati Anom, son of Sultan Kasepuhan Cirebon. His mother decline from Suriadiningrat famous in chronicle Mangkubumen and Penambangan (Mangkunegaran). After his mother die on 1920, Imam Zarkasyi started to study about religion in Pesantren Joresan , and he learned some book like Ta’lim al-Muta’alim, al-Sullam, Safinah al-Naja and al-Taqrib. Three year later, he continued his general education in Ongko Loro School. Main lesson in this Pesantren is tauhid, beside memorize Al-Qur’an , Barzanji, and speech. After that he continued his study in Pesantren Jamsaren, Solo, equally time he studied in Mambaul Ulum, still in equal town he studied in Arabiyah Adabiyah School lead by K.H.Al-Hasyimi, until 1930. During he studied he was very interest especially Arabic language. After finishing his education in Solo, Imam Zarkasyi continued his study in Kweekschool in Padang Panjang, West Sumatra until 1935. After finishing his education his teacher, Mahmud Yunus asked him to be director in this school but Imam Zarkasyi just fulfill this demand one year, because he though that Gontor more require him, Imam Zarkasyi back to Gontor. On 1936 Imam Zarkasyi introduced new program in Gontor with the title Kulliyatul Mu’allimin al-Islamiyah (KMI). The concept to built KMI because of influenced by his education when he studied in Sumatra Thawalib School, Normal Islam School. Beside serve in education aspect he also serve in social aspect and politics. For instance on 1943 he became the leader of Religion Office Residence Madiun. For Japan period he ever active to construct and became lecturer in Hizbullah, Cibarusa, West Java. After independent day Imam Zarkasyi active to construct Department of Religion. On 1946 he became the head of Section of Religion Education Department from Committee of Education Research. Beside it during eight year (1948-1955) he became the head of Persatuan Guru Islam Indonesia (PGII). He also ever became the head of designing of Religion Education (1951-1953), the head of Committee of supervisor religion education (1953), the head of Majelis Pertimbangan Pendidikan dan Pengajaran Agama (MP3A), the member of national planning committee on 1959. In international relation Imam Zarkasyi ever became the member of Indonesian delegation in visitation to Uni Soviet on 1962, after ten year he represent Indonesia in Mu’tamar Majma al-Buhuts al-Islamiyah in Cairo, Egypt. He also ever became the member of MUI.

Beside became activist in education, social, and politic, Imam Zarkasyi also productive to write. In this relation, he has been written some scientific labor and up to now still is used in Modern Pesantren Darussalam Gontor Ponorogo and the other Pesantren. His labor like Senjata Penganjur dan Pemimpin Islam, Pedoman Pendidikan Modern, Kursus Agama Islam. After that he wrote Ushuluddin, Pelajar Fiqh I dan II, Bimbingan Keimanan, Pelajaran Bahasa Arab I dan II, Kamus Bahasa Arab, and the other book. He also wrote some technique instruction for student and teacher in Gontor, for some problem that related with education in Pesantren, include method of teaching.

2.2 Imam Zarkasyi’s Concept of Islamic Education

Imam Zakasyi’s concept of Islamic education is about the renewal of Pesantren, so is given credit for introducing the method of teaching in Pesantren.

2.2.1 Ontology

The system of Pesantren is the majority of system that be used in some of Islamic country. But in Indonesia this system didn’t develop because of colonialism. Before established the system of modern Pesantren Imam Zakasyi has learned famous education institution overseas, there are Al-Azhar University in Egypt, Syanggit in North Africa, Muslim Aligarh University and Shantiniketan in India. Fourth these institution call with sintesa pondok modern. All of it be combined and it religion view include madzab ahlusunnah wal jamaah.

And according to KH. Imam Zarkasyi, Boarding School is as the institution of Islamic education with the dormitory or Boarding School system, whereas the Kiai is as a central figure, the mosque is as the center of inspiring activity, and the instruction of Islamic religion is under the guidance of Kiai in which is imitated by Santri as the main activity. The definition of Boarding School version of KH. Imam Zarkasyi is more comprehensive; on account of the sense has several excellences (superiority) than another’s[1]

2.2.2 Epistemology

Many aspect of education in Pesantren that be reformed by Imam Zarkasyi as;

a. The Aim of Education

Imam Zarkasyi looked that education include important part in Islamic progress, so that some effort to renewal system of education became one of requirement. According him one of weakness Pesantren last time had not the aim of education clearly, Education just followed kiai mastery. Because of this case, Imam Zarkasyi formulates his aim as;

Obviously just one, to be human…so still has general characteristic and has not straight yet, not candidate of doctor yet, not candidate of driver yet, nothing candidate yet. Say candidate of human. What is the job of human? From education that we give they will know what will they do in society…so preparation to enter in society and not to University, so that we called the education, society education, and this is our priority.[2]

Imam Zarkasyi emphasized the aim of education to readiness student and their capability to life in society suitable with their field. Student expected able to increase their self in society include to continue their study in university, and than based on curriculum Pesantren Gontor have purpose to create intellect ulama.

b. Curriculum

The curriculum of Gontor Modern Islamic Boarding School always be observed and renewed in every time by considering at the advancement and changes occurred out of boarding school also refer to the principal:

Al-mukhafadatu ala alqodim assolih wal akhzu bil jadiidil ashlah”. The change is rapidly done particularly if it’s pertaining to the general curriculum, however, if it’s concerning the religious curriculum it will be carefully done. The renewal of curriculum is done by integrating both of them till the instruction of general science (kauniyah) is not apart from the religious value, and the contrariwise, the instruction of religious sciences are improved on accordance with the development of general science.[3]

Imam Zarkasyi applied the curriculum used general and religion. Generally curriculum Gontor this time consist: 1) general subject include language, science (physic, chemistry, biology), social (history, sociology), mathematic, basic laws of a nation; 2) religion subject include Arabic language (Imla’, Tamrin al-lughah, Insya’, Muthola’ah, Nahw, Sharf, Balaghoh, Tarikh Adab al-Lughah) and Dirosah Islamiyah (Al-Qur’an, Tajwid, Tafsir, Hadis, Fiqh, Fara’id, Tauhid, Din al-Islam,al-Adyan, Tarikh Islam); 3) the other component like Mahfudhat, Mantiq, Tarbiyah, Kaligrafi[4]. Beside it Imam Zarkasyi emphasized in English language and Arabic language. Arabic language more emphasize to mastering mufrodat, so student in first class has been taught arrange in Arabic language and than nahwu and shorof was given in second class when they have unders-tood structure of sentences, and than balaghoh and adabullughoh was taught in fifth class. Such English language, grammar was taught in third class while matter of language has been taught in first class. The curricu-lum in Gontor was combination from liberal between classic and modern as system of education and subject, not only orientate to theory but also exercise Arabic and English language in school environment[5]. Beside it in modern Pesantren Gontor was taught ethics and good behavior. Special to continue their economy life, student was given skill, like; printed fabric, typing, decoration, etc.

Therefore, the curriculum of education in boarding school surely contains the various activities in all aspect that become unity of curriculum, which certainly can’t be separated. It manages the life of students for the sole purpose of achieving the aim of education and instruction wanted. And it’s wise to say, “The totality of activities which has the value of education in various aspects till what are seen, heard, felt, experienced by students are education”.[6]

c. Method and System of Teaching

Modern Pesantren Gontor call with alternative model because organize independent educational system, not followed national education system, as consequence, license from Pesantren was not recognized by government. But with hard effort educational system in Gontor not only was recognized by Indonesian government but also recognized by international institution like; Al-Azhar university in Egypt, Ummul Quro’ university in Mecca, etc[7]

Imam Zarkasyi used the renewal of method and education system, these are by managing the classical education system which is orderly leaded in the form of classes on the decided period, this is achieved in order to implement teaching efficiency, with the little fees and concise time, hopefully boarding school can produce the superior outputs. Beside used classic method Imam Zarkasyi also introduced extracurricular activity, in this relation student have outside activity like sport, art, skill, speech for three languages (Indonesian, Arabic, English). To do this activity student have to stay in Pesantren. Imam Zarkasyi combine between day school system and boarding school system. This method apparently lost one of important element for system of education in Pesantren that often called with yellow book, but actually Imam Zarkasyi just applied about method of teaching in class. So, the essence of religion subject about yellow book still exist, organized became book that more practice and systematic matched with step of education from student. After the student enter last step they are given opportunity to understand collection of yellow book. Student expected able to read and understand by their self without translated by kyai. The program that applied by Imam Zarkasyi called with Fathul Kutub (reading books). Beside it Imam Zarkasyi suggest student to have, read, and understand book that be used in traditional Pesantren like; Fatbul Qarib, Fatbul Mu’in, I’anatul Thalibin etc. About the method of language teaching Imam Zarkasyi used direct method, active for mastering language and exercise oral or writing. Special for Arabic language learning Imam Zakasyi applied motto Al-kalimah al-wabidah fi alf jumlatin khairun min alfi kalimah fi jumlatin wabidah (Capability to function one word in one thousand arrangement sentences better than mastering one thousand like memorize only one word).[8] The capability for mastering Arabic and English must base on high moral. To achieve the high moral, student was given social education and exercise to observe challenge in society.

d. Role of School

The school should be forum where student are able to mastering Arabic and English not only emphasize in classic science but also have integrity for modern science.

Pesantren as education institution also must independent from the importance of politic any group

e. Role of Teacher

Kiai is as central figure has the multifunction, as the teacher, educator, and the guider.

f. Student

Santri study and practice to arrange their necessity and find their way in society. Santri was given freedom to choose subject, and also about madzab which one better for them. For example about qunut, there is no debate about read or no.

2.2.3 Axiology

Imam Zarkasyi make formulation there are five soul of Pesantren that call with Panca Jiwa Pondok Modern consist sincerity, simplicity, self help, friendship among Muslim, free soul. Sincerity is not be encouraged to get gain but only to worship, about simplicity in Pesantren life must be dominated with simplicity but not mean poor and passive, but consist strong and firmness to face difficulty, about help self means santri must practice to arrange their importance about friendship among Muslim life in Pesantren must be able to felt happy and sad together and this case also can give influence for unity of Muslim, abut free soul santri free to determine their way in

[1] Staf Sekretariat Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor, Serba –serbi Pondok Modern Gontor Pekan Perkenalan Tingkat II, (Gontor, 1997). h. 2

[2] Pof.Dr.H.Abuddin Nata. Tokoh-tokoh Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, h.205

[3]. KH. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A. Gontor dan pembaharuan pendidikan pesantren, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005), h.126

[4] Jajat Burhanudin. Mencetak Muslim Modern, h.75

[5] Yasmadi. Modernisasi Pesantren, h.116

[6] KH. Abdullah Syukri Zarkasyi, M.A. Gontor dan pembaharuan pendidikan pesantren, (Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005), h. 126

[7] Endin Mujahidin. Pesantren Kilat, h.25

[8] Pof.Dr.H.Abuddin Nata. Tokoh-tokoh Pembaharuan Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia, h.210

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